Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Rainy Sunday...

Hello all!

Thanks for all those who read my previous post, it was really encouraging to see the positive feedback from family and friends who read. It is so encouraging to know that people are cheering for me on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean :)

Also, for those who want to know a little about my apartment. I have an apartment on the first floor. However the first floor is not on ground level. It is more like a 3rd floor height above the street. What a HUGE RELIEF! Here are some pictures :)
This is the view from the front door. You can see my kitchenette to the left, a desk to the right, a dining table in front of the ladder, and a small "couch" up against the back wall on the right.
(Yes, I went to a French McDonald's... I was not in a good place about 48 hours ago...)

This is a view from the back wall of the front door. The front door is on the right. I haven't exactly unpacked so excuse the mess...

My apartment is lofted so the lofted portion has a ladder as an access point (not pleased) to get up to my bedroom/ chambre à coucher and bathroom/ salle de bain. This ladder is approximately 9-10 feet tall.

Whenever you get to the top of the ladder. My bed is immediately to the left and the bathroom is straight ahead.

This is a view of my bed from the bathroom.

This is a view of my apartment from the ladder down into the living room area. I really hope I don't fall. I'm pretty clumsy and I foresee a major injury in my future from falling off this ladder...

My bathroom vanity with all my toiletries... I'm almost ashamed but not really because I've embraced my high maintenance lifestyle. :)

So this is the shower. I have a huge complaint about this. It doesn't have an attachment on the wall so I can just stand there... I have to place it in the holder on the faucet while I clean myself. I am getting used to it but it is so annoying! Also, the hot water runs out in about... 7 minutes. I am taking the shortest showers I've ever taken. NO WONDER THE FRENCH DON'T SHAVE! SHOWERING IS ANNOYING! 

Today, I adventured the city a bit. I am becoming more and more comfortable with the subway/ "metro" system in Toulouse. I can find where I need to go, and get on the correct "linge". Tomorrow it will be put to the test because I need to take the subway/"metro" and a bus to school. Unfortunately, the bachelor program is outside of the Toulouse city. It doesn't seem too far because it is only about 5 subway/"metro" stops and 5 bus stops. When I checked the website that handles the public transportation information, it said a total trip time of 25 minutes. So, I can deal with that. It isn't as convenient as one could want but it isn't exactly fighting traffic on 75 Southbound on Monday morning with UC in session. I guess I will find out tomorrow.

Anyway, back to the adventures. Lara met with her Italian friend, Jean. He speaks French, Italian and a little English. His English wasn't as bad as he said it was... It is funny because I asked him to help me with French and he responded with NO! I need to practice my English! We ate lunch together at the only shop open. Apparently the French do not believe in working on Sunday, so many many many places were closed. We found a few but this was a nice little bakery and couldn't resist. I ordered this little salad because I couldn't pronounce the sandwiches' names correctly. "Je prends la salade, s'il vous plaît. Merci beacoup !" - I'll take the salad please. Thank you very much! I think I exude American all over the place and most French people giggle or try some English with me. It is comforting that as long as I lead with French that they aren't mean. Just a lot of "please's" and "thank you's." As I was eating the salad there was some American cheese, Swiss cheese and this French cheese that I'm not sure what type. I tried the French cheese and BOY WAS IT PUNGENT. I kind of choked and my eyes got all watery. Lara and Jon asked what was the matter?!? I just told them that the cheese was really strong and had a very full flavor. Jon's reply was, "oh, in America your cheese is plastic!! THIS is how cheese really is!" I got a good laugh out of that. The bread is unbelievable. It is so good. Even the cheap bread is delicious. 

Here is my delicious salad! Guess which cheese is plastic?!

We went to the Capitole of Toulouse and walked around for awhile. On a side note, I will have some killer legs when I return to America. We walked for about 2-3 hours. I took some pictures, please enjoy!
This is the Capitole building. It was built in the 18th century and it is not just a place for the councillors/officials to meet but a place utilized by the people of Toulouse!

This is Lara and I in front of the Capitole building.

Here are some pictures from around the town. It was a huge shopping area but nearly all the stores were closed because it was Sunday.

People basically walk where ever they want and the cars just kind of honk at you to get out of the way.

This is a photo of the Pont Neuf bridge. It crosses the Garonne river.

This is a photo of the Pont Saint Pierre bridge. It also crosses the Garonne river.

Today was another extremely successful day in Toulouse! It was so great to meet up with Lara and her friend Jean. Jean was so nice and pleasant. He speaks three languages. (WOW) It was so funny because he would get mixed up and begin speaking to me in Italian or French. I would let him finish his sentence because I didn't want to be rude... But Lara wouldn't, she'd bust out laughing at him and say, she speaks English!
I had the first encounter of the the "faire la bise," or  "to kiss." It is like goodbye but it was just funny to me because I've never done it seriously before. No biggie, just some more culture for me.

This is a happy Hannah! Not dead and not crying!

This experience gets better each day! I don't feel defeated or upset. Yes, I am homesick but I'm definitely no longer miserable here. Well, at the moment. 

That's all for today. Tomorrow I will begin to be more busy because school starts. Hopefully, I can make it to my school on time and figure out the bus system. I'm sure everything will be just fine!

Au revoir!


  1. Your apartment is not as small as I would have imagined, but that ladder...well I do expect a catastrophe at some point. Glad you are doing better. Enjoy your first day of classes!

    1. Oh yeah, It is small but it isn't a closet. And I almost fall off of it nearly every time that I come up or down it. My first day of class was AWESOME. Each day seems to get better and better!!
