WARNING: This post has a lot of pro-Cincinnati stuff in it and may be perceived as drinking Haterade at TBS. It is not. I am just comparing UC to TBS. Please proceed with caution.
After touring Toulouse and being slowly introduced into the European system, classes have begun. Toulouse Business School has the weirdest/WORST schedules of all time. The classes are from 9:00am-5:00pm. The classes are also scheduled FOR you. You have zero say in what your schedule will be. Also, the classes change weekly and you have to check every single day. My OCD cannot handle this mayhem and foolishness. It makes me feel like my brain will actually explode.
The best way that I can describe it (in University of Cincinnati lingo) is that it is a nightclass that you have during the day. The class is scheduled once a week for 3 hours per week. Instead of three 1-hour classes or two 1.5-hour classes. On a positive note, it is nice that you only have it once per week. However, it makes the day DRAG ON. I had this Budgeting class and a Purchasing class on Wednesday. I ended up not needing the Budgeting class which I realized about 15 minutes into the lecture. I figured that I should stay in the case of an unfortunate scheduling snafu and needing to complete the course. I came to the realization when he said: This is an accounting course. I was like NO, WHO PUT THIS CRAP ON MY SCHEDULE I AM DONE WITH MONEY-RELATED COURSES. The second part of the first day I had a Purchasing class. I really liked my professor. She is this really enthusiastic British woman It was quite enjoyable to listen to her.Thursday, I had a Business to Business Negotiation class. It was awesome. My professor is extremely interactive and also British. I did enjoy my classes but I did not enjoy the time spent in class. I much prefer the scheduling at UC but I guess I'm just going to have to get over it (and myself).
Another issue with the study abroad program is that UC doesn't allow courses taken at other universities compute into your UC GPA. Meaning, a "C" is equal to an "A." This is good news for me because I can just get a C and still get my credits. I do not plan for shooting for mediocrity buuuuuut I'm not going to kill myself for an A when it sincerely doesn't matter.
I just have to take a moment to give some mad props to University of Cincinnati Lindner College of Business. HEAR ME OUT: I am extremely prideful to be a student of the Lindner College of Business(LCB). I felt that I was adequately prepared for the courses that I am taking now at Toulouse Business School (TBS). I'm not meaning that the information being taught at TBS is a repeat of material that I've already learned. I feel like I can effectively contribute in lecture from drawing on my knowledge from LCB. Also, I clearly have taken for granted the amazing lecture halls that the Lindner College of Business has. It feels almost prehistoric sometimes in the lectures at TBS. There are very old desks and chairs (looking like it belongs to a 90's high school). I was a little shocked by this because the TBS bachelor program building is very modern and gorgeous! The Lindner College of Business has an awesome facility that is conducive to the technology that has become necessary in the education field. TBS doesn't have the same classroom set-up and it is difficult for me adjust to that. For example: my new alarm clock has a USB port so I can charge my phone while I sleep. OR SO I THOUGHT. As it turns out, it doesn't work :( I found this out about 10 minutes before leaving for my classes. Phone battery meter read 8%. This is one of those really small but infuriating problems. My next thought was: Oh, well I'm CERTAIN that in my lecture hall, there will be chargers all over the place. (Because hey, at UC... They are EVERYWHERE) FALSE. I had to sit next to the wall, in a corner, BY MYSELF to charge my phone.
I miss it.
I'm done complaining about school because that was mainly for me to vent. I don't mean to offend the TBS but UC takes the cake as it comes to classroom facilities.
Last night a bunch of the international students went out for a night on the town. I must admit that our group has been very shy and awkward with one another up until last night. I mean, this is a huge life change... Most people are not going to adapt perfectly to a brand new environment and people right away. I've been very shy and awkward myself because I feel as if I am hated because I am an American and I know NOTHING about other cultures. But last night we all met up at one of the international students' apartment. Charlotte, she is from Belgium and definitely a cool girl. Maybe one day, I will be as cool as her. (Seriously) The group is no longer awkward. It was great to get to see everyone let loose and have a good time. Toulouse's night life isn't very different from UC. Bars close at 2:00am. You go home. I would rate UC better though only because SKYLINE IS OPEN UNTIL 4:00am. And there is a Skyline. So Cincinnati wins on late-night food options.
I miss skyline.